Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 3- May 15

Today was full of adventure! We climbed a mile in elevation, up a very steep volcano to survey the land for a water feasibility project. In the picture to left we hiked up to the saddle point, that is the notch between the two volcanoes in the right side of the image. We used a GPS to determine altitude, distance, and coordinates for the feasibilit project. In the past our hosts have used traditional surveying techniques, including tape measures and tripod-mounted transit. The work that would have formerly taken 2 weeks only took us 4 hours. Our hike was intense but was rewarding not only to us but also to the people of the future settlement of Chanan. This new settlement will be able to house 5000 people. Our hike was a lot of fun, we saw wild orchids, coffee plants, and native workers. We now have a new appreciation for everyone that has to hike to get their wood and water everyday. The true beauty of the country was intensified on the side of the volcano. Our 5 star meal on the hike consisted of peanut-butter and cheddar cheese, it was muy delicioso!

Picture taken from:

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Western New England! Looks like you are all very busy learning about this new culture and the residents' needs. Amazing that you were so efficient conducting the survey of the new site. Way to go!
